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ســـلام دوســـلار

ســـلام دوســـلار
عنوان مقاله:
قتل عام مردم ایران از سوی دولت انگلیس , و تحریف تاریخ از سوی پان ایرانیست ها..

ســـلام دوســـلار..
آقای یاوری...
قبل از اینکه زیاد احسساتی شوید لطفآ کتاب بارزشThe Great Famine and Genocide in Persia از آقای دکتر قلی مجد را بخوانید و بعد کامنت بگذارید. در فرهنگی که فردوسی از

آسمان به زیر می آید و کتاب آسمانی شاهنامه را می سراید آن هم با زبانی که « قلّه سخنوری بشریّت » است و بعد به معراج میرود, ما با این حقایق قلابی تاریخی که شما نشان میدهید بیشتر آشنا هستیم.. امیدوارم این کتاب را بخوانید و بعد نتیجه بگیرید. یکی از عادتهای بد ما این است که اول نتایج را به نفع خودمان میگیریم و بعد اگر حوصله داشتیم سری هم به اصل موضوع اصلی بطور سطحی میزنیم. تحلیل کردن وقایع تاریخی بدون وابستگی به یک دیدگاه شخصی کار هرکسی نمی تواند باشد. بهترین ها را برایتان آرزومندم...

British Government Killed 10 Million Iranians in 1919

A recently rediscovered document in the American Archives reveals that around 10 million Iranians died as a result of widespread famine between 1917-1919.

The Iranian famine is barely mentioned by Western media or in the history books, probably due to the fact that it was caused by the British presence in Iran after World War I.
After the Russian Revolution of 1917, Britain became the main foreign power in Iran and this famine or–more accurately–‘genocide’ was committed by the British. The document in the American Archives, reporting the widespread famine and spread of epidemic disease in Iran, estimates the number of the deceased due to the famine to be about 8-10 million during 1917-19, making this the greatest genocide of the 20th century and Iran the biggest victim of World War I.

It should be noted that Iran had been one of the main suppliers of food grains to the British forces stationed in the empire’s South Asian colonies. Although bad harvest during these two years made the situation worse, it was by no means the main reason why the Great Famine occurred. Prof. Gholi Majd of Princeton University writes in his book, The Great Famine and Genocide in Persia, that American documents show that the British prevented imports of wheat and other food grains into Iran from Mesopotamia, Asia, and also the USA, and that ships loaded with wheat were not allowed to unload at the port of Bushehr in the Persian Gulf. Professor Majd argues that Great Britain intentionally created genocide conditions to destroy Iran, and to effectively control the country for its own purposes. Major Donohoe describes Iran of that time as a “land of desolation and death”. But this event soon became the subject of a British cover up.

Britain has a long record of its several attempts to conceal history and rewrite it in their own favor. The pages are filled with conspiracies that were covered up by the British government to hide its involvement in different episodes that would tarnish the country’s image. One of the clear examples is the “Jameson Raid”; a failed coup against Paul Kruger’s government in South Africa. This raid was planned and executed directly by the British government of Joseph Chamberlain under the orders of Queen Victoria. In 2002, Sir Graham Bower’s memoirs were published in South Africa, revealing these involvements that had been covered up for more than a century, focusing attention on Bower as a scapegoat for the incident.