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ما اینها را مینویسم دوباره

ما اینها را مینویسم دوباره

ما اینها را مینویسم دوباره کسی دوباره برمیگرده مثل عروسک کوکی مینویسه سومری ها پس کی بودن :
As anyone who has ever read modern Albino history, or watched an Albino movie, or done any such thing can tell you, all of the original ancient cultures of man were made up of White people. Forget that the average European would quickly die from UV exposure working the fields of Egypt, Mesopotamia (Sumer, Akkadia, Assyria, Babylonia), Arabia, etc: bare-chested as the ancient art indicates. But it doesn't matter, in their delusion European Albinos sincerely believe that they are old, and not Albinos. Therefore it is illuminating when we see that the old guard of Albino historical scientists were not so crazy, they actually admitted that the original founders of mans cultures and civiliz

First some fast facts:

The name "Sumer" is derived from the later Babylonian name for southern Babylonia, ("mät umeri"), the land of Sumer. The later Greeks, called it Mesopotamia: (mesos "middle" and potamos "river"), so "land between the rivers". The Sumerians themselves, called their country, "The Civilized land" and themselves "The Black Headed One's".

Other people of the area were known as Akkadians, they inhabited the land just north of Sumer. The Assyrians, inhabited the land just north of the Akkadians. Akkadians are known by that name because "Sargon the great" built a city called "Agade". Akkadians and Sumerians did not make a distinction between themselves. The name Babylonia, is taken from the minor Amorite town of Babilla. After the ascension of Hammurabi, it become the major city of the region. Therefore in historical writing, Mesopotamia and Babylonia, are commonly used to refer to the entire region.

The ancient country of Sumer was located in the southern part of the modern state of Iraq. In early times, Sumerians like Egyptians, were fastidious about cleanliness, and like the Egyptians, they were for the most part “Head Shavers”. However, unlike the Egyptians, they did not wear wigs to cover their shaved
Sumer Culture

In Sumer, society adhered to a class system comprised of three tiers: amelu, mushkinu, and slaves. The amelu were at the top rung of the class system. Nobles, government officials, professional soldiers, and priests were found in this class. Next were the mushkinu, the "middle class" of Sumerian society. These were the shopkeepers, farmers, merchants, and laborers. Slavery was an integral part of life in Sumer, and slaves were the lowest in the class system.

A person could find themselves a slave for several reasons, such as a prisoner of war, people unable to pay their debts, or people born into slavery. Husbands could sell their wives into slavery, and parents could sell their children into slavery. However, slaves did hold a few rights, they could borrow money, own property, engage in trade, serve as a witness in a legal matter, and even buy their freedom. Slaves who purchased their freedom, or who were freed by their owner, could not be forced back into slavery. The slave class did not appear to hold any particular negative social stigma with Sumerian citizens, they held the belief that persons who found themselves slaves, did so out of misfortune, rather than any fault of their own.

Sumer Kingship

Ancient Sumers civic structure, was comprised largely of freemen, who met in concert to govern themselves. The citizens initially held power, and decisions were made in an assembly. In times of need, such as war, a lugal (big man) was elected only for the duration of that threat. Over time however, this position became permanent and hereditary, a kingship: father to son.

Sumerian society and prosperity, was based on agriculture and commerce, fields irrigated by man-made canals produced an assortment of crops. The king, and the Temple of a cities patron god, - {thus the priests} - owned much of the land, but it was very common for the "average" man to own property.