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سرکار بهیه جیلانی شما اگر از

سرکار بهیه جیلانی شما اگر از

سرکار بهیه جیلانی شما اگر از سادات ایران باشید قطعاً عرب تبارید و بسیار محترم. ایرانیان سادات را گرامی می دارند. دربارۀ کتاب دُمول در اینترنت اطلاعاتی یافتم :

But where are the Indo-Europeans? Is an essay published in 2014 in Seuil by Jean-Paul Demoule. Subtitled "The myth of origin of the West", the book deals with the presentation of theories concerning the existence of a proto Indo-European people whose language would be the unique origin of the different Indo languages -European countries. After an account of the history of this theory since the eighteenth century, Jean-Paul Demoule presents the two main contemporary theses, the Anatolian hypothesis and the Kourgan hypothesis, underlines what he considers to be the weaknesses, To conclude that the assumptions about the existence of such a single focus are based on unsubstantiated assumptions. The book has generally been well received in the academic world and by the mainstream press, but has been the object of strong criticism in periodicals close to the New Right, a current of thought of which, moreover, the book of John -Paul Demoule criticizes the attachment to the Baltic hypothesis, which he brings to mind Nazi ideology.