رفتن به محتوای اصلی

Dear Jaleh,

Dear Jaleh,

Dear Jaleh,
Thanks for giving a platform to fellow atheists. The issue is not a matter of left or right, though.
In a democratic society, there are individual rights and there are collective rights such as freedom of religion, freedom to educate one’s child based on one’s cultural or religious practices, etc. However, these cultural practices cannot and should not go against the established rules and laws of that society. Regarding the term islamophobia, I fully agree with Yasemine. The term is inadequate and misleading. It does not distinguish between Islam as a form of identity and Islam as an ideology that can be critiqued, ridiculed and rejected. I think the right term should be muslimophobia or anti-Muslim, i.e., hatred or discrimination towards Muslims…
Anyway, here is a

Anyway, here is a good book from Professor Haideh Moghissi that discusses these issues in some depth. Perhaps you might want to interview her as well:
Moghissi, Haideh. Feminism and Islamic Fundamentalism: The Limits of Postmodern Analysis. London: Zed Books.