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ادامه ..........When her

ادامه ..........When her

ادامه ..........When her father learned that Shafiga attended the Conservatory, he got angry with her and didn't let her come home. She even had to stay at her neighbors' place for a while.

Although she stayed out of home in snowy and cold weather because of her father's decision, the love for music wouldn't let Shafiga go back on her dream and she enriched her musical experience even more.

On this path, the first professional composer in the Azerbaijani music history, the one with outstanding personality, Uzeyir Hajibeyov, supported her. She was lucky to have had such a great and attentive teacher.

Shafiga said, "I realized that no one and nothing could keep me away from this work. I was born for this art. The presence of the great master, Uzeyir Hajibeyov, further increased my strength." She valued the acquaintance with this great composer as a precious gift of life.

Shafiga received her primary education at Baku Music School named after Asaf Zeynally, where she had been taught by Uzeyir Hajibeyov for eight years. Then, in 1956, she continued her education at Azerbaijan State Conservatory named after Uzeyir Hajibeyov, from which she graduated from the class of prominent composer Boris Zeydman.

Later the composer recalled: "Uzeyir Hajibeyov opened training courses within the Conservatory and three times a week he was giving us lessons. He either taught the fundamentals of the Azerbaijani folk music to young composers in the general group, or individually was engaged in the work we composed; also, we copied mughams to our notes. Uzeyir Hajibeyov invited the distinguished professor of the Leningrad University Zeydman to Baku in order to teach the classical rules of the composing art more thoroughly. We learned the secrets of composing from this great master."

Remarkably, Shafiga Akhundova was a worthy successor of great composer Uzeyir Hajibeyov.

In 1972, Akhundova composed her first opera, "Galin gayasi" (Bride's Rock), and became the first female composer in the East. This opera's combination of the classical music with the oral traditional classical mugham confirms the preservation of the composing style of Uzeyir Hajibeyov and shows her unique talent and musical skill.

Many prominent musicians expressed positive opinions about this opera. Also, the performance of this opera won the acclaim of the people and brought great success to its author.

Akhundova is also the author of the wonderful songs "Leyla", "Happy Land", the operetta "Our home, our secret" (1965), pieces for a string quartet, the dramatic plays "Aydin", "Farewell to India!", "What do you live for?", etc. and music for children's plays such as "A tale of a clown", "Birthday of a rabbit", etc. She is the author of more than 600 works and composed music for more than 30 spectacles staged in state theaters.

Akhundova could attain the peak of music art and succeed as a musician, but unfortunately she was an unhappy mother. She lost her only son prematurely and in her elderly years was still grieving for him.

Her son, Taleh Hajiyev, was also a musician, a talented pianist and composer. He composed a number of songs, which could become quite popular and live on in the hearts of people.

Despite her grief and health problems, at the age of almost 90 she was full of love for life and continued to write beautiful songs with the enthusiasm of a young creative person.

Music was a source of vital energy for her, it was her true love and true world. Shafiga Akhundova always wrote only about what touched her heart and expressed the highest human feelings. Therefore, her music remains the best for