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Azeri people descend to a

Azeri people descend to a

Azeri people descend to a small extent from Central Asians, as reflected by the Y-DNA haplogroup H12. Azeris have more Central Asian ancestry than Armenians and Georgians do.
Typically, an Iranian native’s genetic composition is 56 percent Arabian , 4 percent Eastern Africa, 2 percent Northern Africa, 4 percent Central Asia, 6 percent Asia Minor and 2 percent from Southern Europe and Southern Asia each (According to Geographic Project).
دوستان..... داشتن ژن عربی اصلآ عیب نیست ولی بعضی از ژنتیست ها ما را خیلی ( عربی) میدانند تا خودشان..ولی همانطور که تحقیقات نشان میدهد 56 در صد آریائی ها ( عرب) تشریف دارند....