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ادامەی اسامی آکادمیک جهان

ادامەی اسامی آکادمیک جهان
عنوان مقاله:

ادامەی اسامی آکادمیک جهان

32. Choman Hardi, Ph.D., Director of the Center for Gender and Development Studies/ the American University of Iraq, Sulaimani / Sulaymani, Kurdistan Region of Iraq
33. Hawre Hasan Hama, lecturer, Politics and International Relations, University of Sulaimani / Sulaymani, Kurdistan Region of Iraq
34. Mansour Sohrabi, Ph.D. Guest Researcher, Department of Soil and Plant Microbiome at Institute of Phytopathology at the Christian-Albrecht’s-University / Kiel, Germany
35. Seevan Saeed, Associate Professor, Middle East politics, Shaanxi Normal University / Xī’ān, China
36. Nevzat Keskin, Journalist, Ph.D. candidate / Toronto, ON
37. Erdem Ilter, Ph.D. candidate, Department of History, University of California / Los Angeles, CA
38. Naif Bezwan, Institut für Politikwissenschaft, Department of Political Science, University of Innsbruck / Innsbruck, Austria
39. Hashem Ahmadzadeh, Ph.D. Author-Researcher / Uppsala University / Uppsala, Sweden
40. Erol Köroğlu, Associate Professor, Modern Turkish Literature, Boğazici University / Istanbul, Turkey
41. Mucahit Bilici, Associate Professor of Sociology, John Jay College and City University of New York Graduate Center / New York, NY
42. Alan Fotoohi, M.D., Ph.D. Assistant Professor, Karolinska Institutet / Stockholm, Sweden
43. Nurullah Hergul, Ph.D. Student, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN
44. Stanley Thangaraj, Assistant Professor, Anthropology, City College of New York / New York, NY
45. Sevgi Arslan, Ph.D. candidate, University of Toronto / Toronto, ON
46. Hanifi Barış, Ph.D., University of Aberdeen / Aberdeen, Scotland
47. Ibrahim Malazada, Ph.D. Researcher, lecturer/ Sociology, Soran University, Iraqi Kurdistan
48. Cengiz Gunes, Associate Lecturer, The Open University, UK.
49. Ceren Şengül, Researcher, Centre Maurice Halbwachs, Ecole Normale Supérieure, France
50. Rahim Surxi, Ph.D., Adjunct research professor, Linguistics, and Language Studies, Carleton University
51. Murat V. Ardelan, Professor, Faculty of Natural Sciences, University of Science & Technology, Norway
52. Roni Demirbağ, Ph.D., Western Sydney University / Sydney, Australia
53. Mehmet Rauf Kesici, Ph.D., Associate Professor / Kocaeli Academy for Solidarity, Turkey
54. Behrooz Shojai, Linguist/ Uppsala Universitet, Sweden
55. Khalid Khayati, Senior Lecturer, Political Science (STATSV), Linköping University / Linköping, Sweden
56. Mesut Yegen, Professor, Sociology, Istanbul Şehir University / Istanbul, Turkey.
57. Shekoufeh Mohammadi Shirmahaleh, Ph.D., Professor-Researcher, Institute for Philological Studies, National Autonomous University of Mexico / Mexico City, Mexico
58. Silvana Rabinovich,Ph.D., Professor-Researcher, Institute for Philological Studies, National Autonomous University of Mexico / Mexico City, Mexico
59. Michael Sims, Ph.D. Candidate, Near and Middle Eastern Studies, University of Washington / Seattle, WA
60. Najmadin Wavi, Department of Political Science and International Relations, University of Trieste / Trieste, Italy
61. Shahrzad Mojab, Professor, Department of Leadership, Higher and Adult Education and Women and Gender Studies Institute, University of Toronto / Toronto, ON
62. Fahri Seker, Linguist, Colorado State University / Fort Collins, CO
63. Sara Kermanian, PhD Researcher, International Relations, University of Sussex, UK.
64. Khaled Sulaiman, journalist, Montreal, QC
65. Vera Eccarius-Kelly, Professor of Political Science, Siena College / Loudonville, NY
66. Ava Homa, novelist, journalist, activist / Toronto, ON & San Francisco, CA
67. Hossein Kamaly, Associate Professor of Islamic Studies & Holder of the Imam Ali Chair for Shiʿi Studies and Dialogue among Islamic Legal Schools, Hartford Seminary / Hartford, CT