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A solution to Europe’s energy crises

A solution to Europe’s energy crises
راه حلی برای بحران انرژی اروپا



Iranian people are ready to topple the Mullahs and extend their gas pipeline to Europe


Europe's energy crisis and accelerating inflation is a direct result of Putin invading Ukraine, as well as the supply backlog caused by COVID-19. In fact, the entire world economy is suffering from those two events.


If Mullah’s Iran were not sanctioned due to its nuclear program, Europe could connect to the Iranian network of gas pipelines which is already installed near the black sea, close to the borders of Turkey and Armenia. Iran’s gas reserves are huge and can easily substitute the missing Russian gas and bring Europe back to its strong economy of the past decade.

What stops Europe’s access to this cheap source of energy is the Mullah’s ideological crusade and their aggression on all fronts, internally and internationally. The latest sign of this aggression is the Mullah’s support of Putin by exporting military drones which may dangerously shift the balance in favor of Putin at the cost of the free world.

The Islamic Republic’s present regime came to power in 1979 when Ayatollah Khomeini stated that he would bring democracy to Iran. Later, he admitted that he had tricked the world and the Iranian people. This trick, “Khod’e”, which translates to “deception”, was accepted in his eyes just like another Shiite concept called “Taghiyeh”, a “White lie”. But the deception makes the referendum of 1979 invalid as the present regime’s legitimacy highly questionable.

Since 1979, the Iranian people have had several uprisings against the Mullahs including July of 1999, May of 2009 , and December of 2017. During the last two widespread demonstrations in October of 2019 and April of 2022, the people requested that Prince Reza Pahlavi come back to Iran and lead a transitional assembly with the purpose of holding a free referendum to choose the exact form of a future democratic government in Iran. There is also a large consensus that the clergy should not have any role in the future government established in Iran no matter which governing system is decided. The clergy should be restricted to a clergy role just like it was in Turkey during Ataturk’s era.

The 60-year-old Prince Reza Pahlavi is very popular in Iran where the majority agree that Iran needs a parliament whose members are to be chosen directly by the people. After the transition period, if enough votes are received, Prince Reza Pahlavi could serve the country like Simeon II who reigned over the Kingdom of Bulgaria in the 1940’s, and later came back to serve his country as its prime minister.

The world seems to slowly realize that the clergy cannot be representing the peace-loving people of Iran who suffer under the current corrupt regime. Just a few days ago on July 14, 2022, Mr. Hamid Nuri, previous assistant of Mr. S.E. Raisi, the current president of the Islamic Republic, was sentenced to life imprisonment in the court of law in Stockholm, Sweden. He was then condemned among others for genocides against political prisoners in Iran. Given that this was a crime, President Raisi was deemed an accomplice according to over 60 witnesses and twelve experts who were heard during a nine-month-long court proceeding in Sweden.

Suppose the European politicians, grass root human rights organizations, and mass media gave a platform to Prince Reza Pahlavi to talk, like the platform given to Zelensky. In that case, the Iranian people could get moral support to topple the Mullahs by peaceful means. An ideal outcome would occur not only for the Iranian people but also for Europe’s economy and a truly lead to the release of tension in the Middle East for both the Arabs and the Israelis. In this case, there is no need to create a regional military alliance against Iran initiated by the USA. Iran would revert back to the peaceful country as it was prior to 1979, boosting trade and helping her own people’s prosperity and the world’s economy. The world does not need another war.


Mehran Moghaddas, 18 July 2022, Denmark – Mehran.moghaddas@gmail.com

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ایران گلوبال




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