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Letter of Appreciation to President Trump

Letter of Appreciation to President Trump
Letter of Appreciation to President Trump


TO: The Honorable Donald J. Trump, President of the United States of America

CC: The Honorable Nikki Haley, the US Ambassador to the United Nations

CC: The Honorable Mike Pompeo, the United States’ Secretary of State

CC: Mr. John Bolton, the United States’ National Security Advisor

April 6, 2018

Dear Mr. President,

We Iranian and non-Iranian activists, scholars, journalists, professionals, and other people opposed to the Islamist regime in Iran are writing this letter to express our appreciation for your kind and accurate Nowruz message.

In the statement you have accurately distinguished between the oppressed people of Iran and the oppressor Islamist regime of the ayatollahs. You have also appreciated the rich historical legacy of Iran. This is perhaps the first time in history that a US president sends such a clear and accurate message to the people of Iran. We also thank you for your Nowruz present in the form of Department of Treasury’s support for the free flow of information to the citizens of Iran.

Dear Mr. President, as you are perfectly aware, the hard-pressed people of Iran have expressed their dissatisfaction with the Islamist regime at every opportunity they have found. Unfortunately, each time, with suppression and massacre at home and smear campaigns by the regime’s infiltrators and agents of influence as well as their collaborators abroad, the people’s protests have been stifled, and their rightful demand for the overthrow of the brutal regime neglected.

Against the backdrop of this typical trend, you and your administration have time and again announced your solid support for the efforts of the people of Iran to oust the regime and establish a democracy. You and a considerable number of US government officials showed your firm support for the nationwide protests last December; and Mrs. Haley made a heroic defense of the protestors at the UN Security Council, which made the Islamist regime angry and the Iranian people happy. The US government’s support of the protests in Iran demonstrated once more that this administration is invested in political responsibility as well as high human principles.

Many Iranians regard your appointments of Messrs. Pompeo and Bolton to administration posts as contributing to their own efforts for regime change in Iran. Iranians are aware that these two gentlemen, with their extensive knowledge about and deep understanding of Islamism, will stand by their side in their fight against the “state sponsor of terrorism.” The people of Iran are happy that the US foreign policy has finally overlapped with their demands for freedom and democracy, and they are impatiently anticipating the complete realization of that policy. In fact, many Iranian exiles and immigrants in America, Europe and around the world are looking forward to meeting you and your respected administration members to discuss ways to facilitate the advancement of the current US policy towards Iran and the greater Middle East.

Dear Mr. President, the people of Iran know very well that their interest is tied to that of the US in the region, and that the biggest hurdle in the way of materializing that mutual interest is the rogue regime. With the overthrow of that regime and establishment of a secular democracy in Iran, both the people of Iran and the United States will finally be able to live in peace and prosperity. Iranians are highly hopeful that this momentous event will come to realization during your presidency; and that, as you yourself said in your Nowruz message, “may light prevail over darkness in this New Year, and may the Iranian people soon enjoy a new day of peace, prosperity and joy.”

Happy Nowruz to you, dear Mr. President, and to the United States of America! May God bless us all!

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Author: Iranian Politic Activists

دیدگاه‌ و نظرات ابراز شده در این مطلب، نظر نویسنده بوده و لزوما سیاست یا موضع ایرانگلوبال را منعکس نمی‌کند.

ایران گلوبال




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