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What is a spouse? "

What is a spouse? "
ترجمه و تلخیص:
فرانک الماسی

The child is a spouse Children captured in the unwanted marriage fork.

The unfortunate phenomenon of the marriage of children under the age of 13 in Iran is one of the problems that must be addressed by all strategies to stop it.

What is a spouse? "

A child of marriage or marriage of children, especially in girls, is one of the social and pernicious problems of our time, which is a kind of violation of children's rights. According to the statistics released by the spokesman for the Civil Registration Organization in the first six months of this year, 50 marriages have been registered in the country for less than 10 years. Meanwhile, more than 117 marriages between 10 and 14 years old and 145 marriages between 15 and 19 years old have been registered in the country. However, the committees are not very real, and it is believed that the marriage of children under the age of 18 in Iran is more than these. The existence of such statistics reveals the dispersion of this unfortunate phenomenon in the provinces of the country. A phenomenon that, in addition to hurting public emotions, is the oppression of girls who must bear the burden of life rather than childhood and childish mental activities, while they have little information about their most basic issues, and certainly with such a situation In the early years of marriage, mother-in-law is added to her mother who still needs her mother's arms. 


Spousal child in Iran


The culture of marriage in Iran is such that boys are usually about five years older than girls. So, if the same rule applies to girls under the age of 15, their spouses must be between 15 and 20 years old, but the average birth registration shows that in the 1980s, only about 20 percent of these girls came from young people between the ages of 15 and 20, and more than 80% of these children come from men over the age of 40, which can be called pedophiles, who have been officially married under the name of marriage. At the moment, the issue that triggered the reactions of the activists of the children's areas is the increase in the marriages of men of high ages with girls under the age of 15, and this is the point that transformed the concept and meaning of marriage and made it a kind of bargain. That the daughter's daughter is taking the deal in exchange for receiving money.


The spread of marriage of young girls at an early age is not only contrasted with the social status and new structure of the family as the core of society, but also contradicts other legal provisions. However, according to the explicit provision of the marriage law, boys under the age of 15 and girls under the age of 13 are prohibited, but the same law is not compatible with the reality of society and today's custom. Today, apart from ethnic and tribal traditions, family social harm, such as poverty, deprivation of education, addiction and migration in order to reduce the economic burden and the costs of family addiction, are considered as the causes of early marriage of children in Iran.


Physical and psychological social consequences of a nanny child


In fact, the consequences of child marriage should be examined in three aspects: social, physical and mental. The social implications of child marriage, including the absence of marriages and the absence of identity cards, the emergence of the "widowed" phenomenon, domestic violence and spousal abuse, the excessive growth of the hidden population in the marginal areas, shopping, home escape, sleeping packs, school deprivation, age interval Highly spousal, self-immolation and suicide, limiting social and legal protection with the production of addiction, lack of skills for entering the labor market, lack of parenting skills, reproduction of the poverty cycle, child cycle and child marriage cycle


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