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مستندات گردآوری شده از نقض

مستندات گردآوری شده از نقض

مستندات گردآوری شده از نقض گسترده حقوق اقلیتها در حکومت بارزانی رای در لینک زیر بخوانید. دخترکان بزک کرده با یونیفرم و کلاش یک روی سکه‌ است که رسانه‌های غربی فقط آنرا پوشش میدهند و روی دیگر سکه نقض سازمان یافته دولتی گسترده حقوق اقلیتهای غیر کرد در اقلیم بارزانی است. آقلیم بارزانی از جنس خاور میانه است و بس و انتظار مسئولیت پذیری از آن سرابی‌ بیش نیست. گزارش را با دقت بخوانید. خلاصه انگلیسی‌ آنرا اینجا کپی‌ می‌کنم.
The findings of this report indicate widespread abuses of human rights, attacks on democratic political processes, the denial of freedom of speech and opinion, state-level organized crime targeting minorities, other forms of racially and religiously-motivated prejudice, and a long-term project to break the Assyrian aspirations of self-governance

and to appropriate the Assyrian homeland for the Kurdistan Region. The incidents and examples including in this report constitute only a small sample of the serious abuses that are rampant in northern Iraq, the majority of which go unreported. Future research exploring these issues more deeply will undoubtedly reveal abuses more serious than those described here. It is common for the most terrifying instances of intimidation to be the most difficult to uncover, as their targets are often successfully silenced by the violence. As can be seen from the sheer range and number of abuses documented in this report, significant problems beset the Assyrian community, problems that are going unaddressed by the international community, and which are, in fact, intensifying. The abuses reported here—not the conduct of IS or other terror groups, but of the official Kurdish power structures legitimized and supported by many Western actors—jeopardize in very real terms the future survival of the Assyrian people in their homeland. If the cohesiveness of the Assyrian community and their reasonable aspirations for self-administration and self-managed security within their Nineveh homeland are successfully crushed, the Assyrians will no longer have a distinct and intact homeland within Iraq.
