رفتن به محتوای اصلی

نامه به سفارت های یونان با ایمیل ها در حمایت از ماندانا در یونان

نامه به سفارت های یونان با ایمیل ها در حمایت از ماندانا در یونان

تصاویر هموطنان پناهنده در یونان دل هر انسانی را به درد می اورد. دیدن تصاویر ماندانا با دهان دوخته بر روی تخت بیمارستان حتی فرزندان ما را هم که اینجا بزرگ شدند و از مسائل ایران دورند دچار خشم و نفرت کرده و باعث شده که خود اقدام به نامه نگاری با سفارت های یونان در خارج کنند. می توانید این متن را به وزارت امور خارجه یونان و یا ایمیل های داده شده فاکس کنید

می توانید این متن را به وزارت امور خارجه یونان و یا ایمیل های داده شده فاکس کنید














Washington DC: greece@greekembassy.org

San Francisco: sfgr@greekembassy.org

Boston: boston@greekembassy.org

Los Angeles: lagr@greekembassy.org

New York: nycons@greekembassy.org

Chicago: chicago@greekembassy.org

tampa: grgencon.tam@mfa.gr

Atlanta: atlanta@greekembassy.org

Houston: houston@greekembassy.org

Ottowa: embassy@greekembassy.ca

Montreal: info@grconsulatemtl.net

Toronto: toronto.consulate@greekembassy.ca

Vancouver: info@vancouver.grconsulate.ca

شماره های فاکس در یونان:



To whom it may concern, Ladies/ Gentlemen,


We as a group of Iranian expats in different European/American countries have painfully been watching the deplorable and inhumane conditions of our beloved countrymen in Greece. Their heart-breaking Photos and videos have widely been spread throughout the entire world.

It’s extremely devastating to see humans suffering for their primary needs and basic rights. Some Iranian asylum seekers in Greece have been for weeks on hunger strike while some others have sewn their lips shut as a sign of protest against their way of being treated in your country. You are, for sure, not unaware of the disastrous political and humanitarian issues of the Islamic Republic of Iran and the impressive mass movements of Iranians for democracy and freedom last year. The aftermath of the above-mentioned fraudulent Iranian Presidential Elections emotionally moved the world and sure you as everybody else are well-informed about the death toll (number of victims) and the cruelty, aggression and fierce attacks of the Iranian Police and Basiji militia on the innocent people: The so-called coup d’état left hundreds dead, thousands imprisoned and dozens raped in the isolated dungeons of political jails in our occupied Iran.

There’s not a single trace of security left for the disappointed youth, political protestors and student activists who vigorously took part in their country’s most touching movement ever against evil and inhumanity.

Greece as a reputable European country claiming to support human rights and democracy is commonly thought to take a good stand against violations of human rights and to particularly support the desperate Iranian political refugees.

They don’t expect any financial help. They would like to have your sympathy and thoughtfulness. They will be in a great danger (risk of life) in their own country. They have no human rights. No rights of healthy vote, no freedom of speech, no rights of democracy and as to put it briefly, no rights of nothing.

The Islamic regime can in no way be responsive to their needs and rights. We, just like any modern civilized society, would like a democratic state and men/women equality.

You could help us reach our primary humanitarian rights.

We would sincerely ask you to grant political asylum to our persevering and self-reliable folk and help them live normally like any other citizen of the world. Free and Safe!

They are determinedly driven to keep on striking/ protesting unless their problem is solved. They, due to their severe hunger strike, are suffering from a wicked mental and physical condition right now.

If their inhumane situation in your country goes on the way it has been in the last few weeks, it might leave irretrievable consequences for Greece and regrettable endings for those political refugees.

They, as young energetic people with high perseverance, can help run your country’s economic cycles smoother and healthier by contributing to your social, economical and human force needs.

We worriedly look forward to hearing from you and still trust in your sense of humanity and willingness to help the people in need.

Millions of thanks from millions of hopeful Iranians worldwide,

Best Regards,

Free Iran


دیدگاه‌ و نظرات ابراز شده در این مطلب، نظر نویسنده بوده و لزوما سیاست یا موضع ایرانگلوبال را منعکس نمی‌کند.

ایران گلوبال
برگرفته از:
اختر قاسمی




توجه داشته باشید کامنت‌هایی که مربوط به موضوع مطلب نباشند، منتشر نخواهند شد! 

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