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March 8th reminded all (not) for women kurdish

March 8th reminded all (not) for women kurdish
ترجمه و تلخیص:
فرانک الماسی

 A day that has not yet been recognized in the Islamic Republic of Iran calendar and the issuance of permits for any collective action on this day will face a severe crackdown on "security" and "police".The day in Iran should be a reminder of any "no" to a sovereign state in which the system and the system of religious dictatorship and the dictatorale rule of the ruler are absolute. In a country where even a normal breath is considered a struggle for survival, in a country where day by day is the death penalty, torture, imprisonment, rape, addiction, censorship, suicide and self-immolation, women's acidity, knives, poverty And unemployment, trade, general sales, and so on, are rising, and the other one has taken the color of death to you. The dimensions of the struggle should be very comprehensive and said "no," to all the structural policies that it seeks to eliminate and to marginalize women.If the women's struggle in Iran's society today is exclusively "gender" and "civil movement" was the basis of the struggle, it would have been for me as a woman who has been marginalized as a second-class citizen of "nationality", and any A move from Iran's sovereignty is considered "security," a type of struggle and my voice. Because a structure that denies the identity of a human being, and a statement of its non-legitimacy, can not lead to its legal legitimacy.Every black point in the life of women is in the life of Kurdish women, as in the rest, with the difference that national oppression is added, for example, Kurdish women can not learn in mother tongue or because of the "security" look that This region is deliberately underdeveloped by economic and cultural development, and all of these deprivations are due to what people are trying for and their identity.Therefore, our struggle should not be limited to improving the status of Kurdish women in such a structure, but our struggle to say "no" to this structure itself and to repeat "no" to all the restrictions, deletions and deceptions of this sovereignty.Because the main reason for the problem of women in Iran is the rule of the Islamic Republic of Iran and the theocratic rules in this country, therefore, Iranian women should put the Islamic Republic of Iran as one of their main goals, because the issue of women in Iran today It's no longer ungodly, but it's not equal to being a woman; it's not going to be, it's denied, insulted everyday, the woman is humiliated daily in this community. Therefore, in this community there is still talk of the prohibition of the existence and the voice of women, a more and more severe ban on Kurdistan and Kurdish regions and Kurdish women.The Kurdish woman is discriminated against by a national minority, ethnic, religious, and other, and, on the one hand, he is in contact with all other women throughout Iran to eliminate gender discrimination and achieve common goals and goals of women, and on the other hand to eliminate The discrimination of a national and religious minority, and antagonism to asymilia and even other elemental humanitarian demands, such as teaching mother tongue and others, are in the struggle.In the Islamic Republic of Iran everything is different, very strong force within the government that in order to isolate women and sending them to the corner of the house, which is clearly in the Act and the rules made there and openly shows that the Any opinion is against women.The Iranian community is more involved with "gender stereotypes" every day than the promises made by Hassan Rouhani who owes his presidency to the promises they promise to open up the political, cultural and social environment to the participation of women and the creation of equal opportunities, Many women were encouraged by the variety of drafts and bills that created and consolidated many of the inequalities and contradictions existing in society in various literary, educational, political and in-depth spheres of social relations.Given that the ruling laws are the same for all the people of the country, Kurdish women are not separate from it, but given the fact that the Islamic Republic's regime does not pay attention to the rights of national and religious minorities, and the survival of this regime is based on its anti-discrimination, discrimination Multiple cases apply to Kurdish women. That is, gender discrimination, both ethnic discrimination and religious discrimination, therefore, will have a greater impact on the Kurdish regions, both economically and socially, that women are naturally more oppressed.The same backwardness of Kurdistan and the lack of awareness of the society and the denial of education has increased the limits for Kurdish women, the limits of a traditional society that have placed more obstacles on Kurdish women, women who are involved in the earliest "gender stereotypes" of a male-dominated society .So March 8 is a challenge to me about the right to knowledge and education, and to repeat "no" to all the issues that have caused me to deprivation and backwardness.With every move and protest, the government and its culture and tradition discriminated against it, it called into question all the "no" anti-women laws and cultures.Saying "no" to the Kurdish women will cost a lot. Because all views on Kurdistan are "security". As in the nearly four decades of the Islamic Republic's rule, there was nothing but arrest and imprisonment for them.But the struggle of Kurdish women in many respects, especially in coordination with political parties, continues and will continue, and despite the deprivations and the backwardness of women, they emphasize the integrity of their human rights and end up with the totality of legal and "nationalistic" discrimination, And the structure, like the Islamic Republic of Iran, who does not believe in these rights, will say "no"




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